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jeudi, 04 avril 2019

Amour des listes et orgue 14

Au bonheur des solderies.

1. Hendrik Andriessen, The Four Chorals and other organ music, Benjamin Saunders at the grand organ of Leeds cathedral, Brilliant Classics, 2015.
2. Johann Sebastian Bach, Schübler Chorals, Matteo Messori — Johannes Kreutzburg organ, St Cyriakus church of Duderstadt ; Eilert Köhler organ, Kreuzkirche of Suhl, B.C., 2012.
3. Padre Davide da Bergamo, Organ music, Marco Ruggeri, B.C., 2014.
4. Daniel Magnus Gronau, Chorale variations, Matteo Venturini, Glauco Ghilardi organ, church of San Roco, Pistoia, B.C., 2014.
5. The John Reading manuscripts of Dulwich College, Riccardo Bonci at the 1760 George England organ in Christ's Chapel of God's Gift, Dulwich, London, B.C., 2013.
6. Georg Muffat, Complete Apparatus musico-organisticus, Adriano Falcioni, organ of the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, Giove, B.C., 2013.
7. Georgi Mushel, Complete organ music, Benjamin Saunders at the grand organ of Leeds cathedral, Brilliant Classics, 2013.
8. Vincenzo Antonio Petrali, Organ music, Marco Ruggeri at the Serassi organ in the Parish Church in Gottolengo ; at the Lingiardi "Orchestral Organ" in the Church of S Pietro al Po in Cremona, B.C., 2015.
9. Giovanni Salvatore, Organ-Alternatim Masses, Federico Del Sordo, B.C., 2016.
10. Giovanni  Maria Trabaci, Music for organ and harpsichord, Francesco Cera, organ, Church of Sant'Antonio, Salandra, B.C., 2014.

"Il n'est [...] ame si revesche, qui ne se sente touchée de quelque reverence, à considerer ceste vastité sombre de noz Eglises, la diversité d'ornemens, et ordre de noz ceremonies, et ouyr le son devotieux de noz orgues..." (Montaigne, II, 12)

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